EARTHIA is a Union of all Countries into one Nation. The Government of EARTHIA is a Democratically elected Body empowered to govern EARTHIA.
No. EARTHIA is a utopian Concept transforming the whole World. Environmental issues will form a small agenda of the Government of EARTHIA.
The moment a person supports the idea of EARTHIA, he is deemed to have become an EARTHIAN. We provide a Platform for all Earthians to come together and push the idea. The enrollment is done by paying a nominal voluntary contribution which will help the NGO to grow.
There is no formal Organization. There are no formal Posts and Organograms. This is because everyone is free to do whatever he/ she feels fit as long as he / she supports the idea
No. There are many similar socio-political movements in the world pursuing similar Goals in their own way. As we come across them, we try to bring them on one Platform.
This Movement is only helping the Cause of the Sovereign Country by encouraging Countries to come together and form a Single Governing Body without limiting the Freedom of any Country.
The process of the Union of all Countries will take place very gradually cautiously and the Constitution will take time to be formed such that there is always a balance of Power. Neither a few powerful Countries should be able to dictate nor a large number of small Countries be able to push bigger Countries on the Margin. It will be a different starting compared to the way the United Nations started.
Every Great idea had appeared impractical or impossible when first proposed. Ultimately what is in the larger interest of Human Beings will prevail. Combined power of Masses is irresistible.
The United Nations was formed because a need was felt after World War II. The European Union was formed because a need was felt. However, the United Nations faces limitations to address many burning issues before the World. Those Limitations arise basically because United Nations decisions are not binding on a Country which feels its interests are in conflict with others. Need is being felt by all Countries to make the United Nations more powerful. This is a step towards EARTHIA.
The Time frame depends on you and me. It all depends on how many of us are prepared to stand up and raise our voices to support this last and final Unification process. Miracles have happened, can happen and will happen.
As the theory goes, when Right Time has come, whatever anyone does, apparently in favour or against the Movement, it ultimately provides a further push to the idea. Obviously, a favourable Movement will push the Idea further. But even an opposing Movement by a Government or by its Subsidiary will further ignite the fire in people for EARTHIA. The Jallianwala Bagh Massacre is an apt example of how it helped India achieve freedom.
Let us not waste our energy in debating what is the right thing to do for a person. Trying to bind a person into the right or wrong thing to do will consume energy from both. So you are a free EARTHIAN to do what you feel right to reach the Goal. Whatever you do will surely work towards the Goal. We will keep sharing ideas and let every individual pick up what he / she feels right.